The start of lots of posts: Bunny update

It's been awhile since I posted, mostly due to busyness and travel and being sick. Laurie commented to me that my last post was rather dire and that you all probably think Ella's dead or something now. Well, she's not, her leg has totally healed since I posted, and she didn't pick at it and even though she hated the e-collar, it kept her from pulling anymore stitches out and it healed very nicely. Laurie and I took the stitches out ourselves, and I was pretty proud of us :). Recently, though, Ella's been having trouble breathing. She's had an upper respiratory system infection since we adopted her and the last two time that we tried to treat it when it got bad, the antibiotics didn't seem to do a thing, so we've opted to not stick her with needles for the antibiotics anymore and see where the infection takes us. It's definitely getting worse - you can tell that she's struggling to breathe pretty much all of the time. I have no doubt that eventually the infection is going to turn into something fatal, but right now she's eating with gusto and loves her greens and being petted, that it's not the right time to put her down. If there comes a time when her quality of life seriously deteriorates, I think that it will be time to let her go. For now, we're just giving her loves and keeping her warm (she lost all of her fur again to the mites and is butt naked right now, although some hair is growing back in, slowly). Here are some pictures of her in her e-collar, she was seriously cute in it:

Exactly a week after Ella's accident, we came home to a sick Bennett. He was "scanning" moving his eyes back and forth all the time, and falling over when he tried to walk. I was really worried that he had a stroke or chewed a cord that had shocked him and that it would be permanent, so we called our vet after hours. We have a fabulous vet, he called us back 15 minutes later and we had the calm reassurance of just and inner ear infection. The next morning Laurie picked up two antibiotics for him and we just finished off all the medicine this week. Poor guy was really miserable, he kept wanting to do his regular bunny activities but would fall over and crash if he tried. We kept him in the exercise pen so he wouldn't try jumping on things or moving around too much, the scanning is a result of vertigo. Luckily, Bennett is resilient and he is back to his old self. In fact, I caught him on top of Ella's cage this morning - naughty boy! He really is such a love bug, he'll nose you if you aren't petting him with both hands! Did I mention he's also really spoiled? :) We went away to northern CA for Thanksgiving and the bunnies stayed here because Ella's not fit to travel and it was pretty cold. We had our former neighbor come and watch the two of them and she gave them a treat of a growing plant of mustard greens, which Bennett is really loving. Eileen and Bennett got along really well (there were treats involved) and I'm sure he'll miss us when we go to San Antonio for Christmas but I know he will be in good, loving hands. Here's a pic of Bennett looking disapproving, but really he's loving Laurie petting him:


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