While Laurie was away this last weekend in California, I had some fun dyeing fiber. Yesterday, a friend at our little yarn store (lys) allowed me to borrow her drum carder while we where there, hanging out and knitting and spinning. Another friend at Tempe Yarn and Fiber let me take her drum carder home to finish my carding project! So, I have been having lots of fun carding up some of what I dyed. The main project I'm working on with the drum carder is the mohair, silk and merino wool that I dyed in 4 different colors. First, I carded the different fibers that were all the same color together. Here's what one of them looked like on the carder...
I'm really happy with it and plan to start spinning it up (on my Kuchulu!) this evening whist I listen to an audiobook. It looks like the colors of a sunset, another friend at ty&f suggested to me and it might end up as a shawl. We'll see how it spins up and I'm sure I'll be posting the results of the spinning as it gets spun up. Tomorrow is Expressions in Spinning, and I'm looking forward to showing and spinning some of the other fiber that I dyed for the "wildflower" with the group. A big thanks to Debi and Barbara for the loans of the drum carders, I couldn't have done this project without their generosity!
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