Cute bunny pictures

I've been taking lots of pictures of the bunnies lately and have quite a few very cute ones! Not too much has been going on with them. We took Ella and Bennett to the rabbit rescue adoption day this past weekend to say hi and to get nails trimmed. Bennett didn't really like getting his trimmed and put up a pretty good fight. While we were there, a woman brought in 5 or 6 nine week old baby bunnies that her bunny gave birth to unexpectedly and she couldn't keep them. They were really really cute, and no we didn't come home with another bunny!

We made a purchase at the adoption day that I'm really excited about because it means less hay everywhere. A woman was selling a hay rack type box that we ended up buying even though it was a little expensive. You fill it with enough hay for about a week and it sits right up against a litter box, for nibbling and to catch any hay that falls out. I took a few picture of it to show what I mean. Ella really likes to rearrange things, so I ended up using velcro to stick the litter box to the front of the hay box, so she couldn't move the litter box out from in front of it, since Bennett initially took to pulling hay out of it for sport. We're not putting hay in the litter boxes anymore, because they can munch on the hay from the hay box while in the litter box, so it doesn't get spread all around the room anymore! (In the pictures, you can see that quite a bit of hay has fallen into the litter box, Bennett thought it would be fun to pull out as much hay as possible from the box. He hasn't done that again since then and right now, there is hardly any hay in the litter box at all.)

And onward to the cute bunny pictures...


Ella after shredding the grass matt that was in the nesting box. The box is hers now and she had to do some redecorating.

Bennett has been doing some funny things lately. When he stretches after a nap, he'll put one leg out and point the toe and the the other and point his toe, and then stretch back on his hind legs. Here he's pointing his toes as he rests, we think he might have been a ballerina in a past life.

Sweet cute Bennett mouth.

Adorable Ella nose in the camera.

Ella is so ashamed of us, it brings her to tears...


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