So, with the aquisition of the bunnies into our household, my fiber endeavors were curtailed a little bit. I have been doing a little bit of spinning, mostly during the spin and knit along at our LYS, but not much else. Now that we're all settled in and Bennett's healthy again I've been doing much more. I drag a chair into the bunny room and sit and spin and listen to my audiobooks and hang out with the bunnies.
We had an Expressions in Spinning meeting last week and it got some lovely Pagewood farms BFL to spin up for it. The topic was famous movie persona and Scarlett O'hara was picked. I chose this fiber because it reminded me of plantations of tobacco. It's lovely colors and not something I would have immediately picked up for myself normally, which is part of the whole reason for the group. I'm not sure what it will become but here is the picture of the fiber:
I also just received my Easter gift from my mom, a new Bosworth spindle that is simply beautiful. It's .77 oz, tulipwood whorl and a long Ebony shaft. Yesterday, at TYF, I brought it to show everyone and ended up getting to spin up some silk bells, which I had never spun before. I hope that I will be able to get more beautifully dyed silk hankies or bells to spin because they were lovely.

Talking about spinning now makes me want to go spin, so I'm off to do that. Spin happy (if you do) and be well :).
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