
Ella is famous on Disapproving Rabbits again! Check her picture out :)... Ella

This week has not been very kind to Ella. Her fur mites just seem to be getting worse and worse and she's loosing a lot of fur. She bald in many places. I keep brushing the hair out because our vet told us to and it seems to give her some relief from the itchiness even though we rarely see her scratch at it. We've doubled the dose of her mite medication this week after a call to the vet. She's been so good at sitting still for the long grooming sessions and I feel so bad for her. Hopefully the meds will start working really soon.

Meanwhile, I have some cute pictures of her...

Ella noshing on hay in the hay box. She actually climbs into the hay box. Once she got stuck in there and I had to rescue her out the top and another time, she made a little nest for herself in there so we've put a little grill inside so she can't climb in anymore. It was really cute though.

Another disapproving glare...

Cute sleepy bunny!


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