I've been sick with a cold this week, so I haven't posted until now, but I do have several bits of very happy news to share. The first is that Laurie has completed her masters degree! Her final project was emailed to her advisor on Friday last week and the hard copy was finished and fed ex-ed to Marymount Sunday night after printing out almost 300 pages of hard work! I'm very proud and happy for her and glad that has put in so much work and it has paid off for her. Yay, Laurie! We went out to celebrate with our friends Saturday night after church and had a very yummy meal at Lucille's BBQ, I must say that I adore their biscuits!
The other exciting news is that my sister, Jessica, who lives in San Antonio, is pregnant! I'm so happy that I'm finally going to be an Auntie! I've had to jealously eye Laurie's happiness at being and Auntie and it's finally my turn! I couldn't be happier :). Jessica just barely found out, so my niece or nephew won't be making his or her entrance to this world for awhile yet, but I'm anxiously awaiting it! I'll finally have my own baby to knit and spin for!
Mostly, I've been hanging out with the bunnies and spinning in the evenings. The last few weeks, I've been taking the bus into Tempe to go to Tempe Yarn and Fiber to hang out with spinners there. Initially, we were doing a spin and knit along but that has ended and we just meet to hang out together and spin and knit, of course. It's been fun because it's not the usual people who come on Friday nights and it's not as loud as Saturday nights at the store. Laurie usually swings by to pick me up after work, which works very well. There is a Ramen noodle restaurant that opened along my route to TYF which also sells boba drinks, so I've been stopping and getting some boba thai iced tea, which has been a yummy treat. I haven't had boba since we lived in San Francisco and this restaurant makes good boba. Unfortunately, the delicious thai place across the parking lot from TYF has closed, we will definitely miss them and the pineapple fried rice. :(
Healthwise, other than the cold I'm fighting, has been pretty much the same. Still getting more and more weird bumps and we still have no answers. I'm going to see the dermatologist in August, and see if they have any suggestions or will do a biopsy for me. We're thinking what's going on with these lumps of swelling is that my connective tissue layers are separating and fluid is collecting between the layers, causing the swelling and the pain. Possibly a punch biopsy would show that the layers are separating, but even if we do have a definitive diagnosis, I'm not sure what could be done that we're not doing already. When Bennett was sick, we moved the bunnies into our room, next to my side of the bed and I was climbing over the foot of the bed to get in and out of bed. In the process of doing that, I managed to hurt my knee (pretty easily done with the EDS and the fact that I've hurt my knees before). Well, it's been getting worse lately and I had an X ray today to make sure that I didn't break anything. I'm quite the sight, though. Wheelchair bound girl with bandaged knee and a bandaged ankle. I sprained my ankle over the weekend while I was favoring my knee, oops. My PCP laughed at my appearance at my appt on Monday. We'll see if the knee is broken somewhere or if I'm going to need further imaging to see what's up with it. It hurts quite a bit, but I'm still crawling around on it to do my bunny chores for better or worse.
I have a bit more to say, but I'm going to break it up into bunnies and fiber and do two more posts, hopefully tonight.