Well, we made it home safe and sound on the 29th from the cabin. We decided to stay a day later that we had actually planned, Laurie didn't have to go into work on the 29th, so we hung out at the cabin a little bit longer. Laurie's parent's friends join us up at the cabin for the weekend after Christmas. John and Shannon are very much connoisseurs of games, which is awesome because they always have a fun game to play. Laurie isn't all that into playing board games, so having people who want to play was a lot of fun. In fact, we borrowed a game from them and it turns out that Laurie really likes playing it. The game is called Carcassonne, it's sort of a cross between a puzzle and a board game. It's a lot of fun AND Laurie asks to play it! Yay for more game playing in our house! We ordered the game for ourselves and there are expansion packs for it, so we can start building our Carassonne collection.
We spent New Year's Eve with my mom and little brother, everyone else went out to a party. So it was a nice, quiet night with a little bit of Champagne at midnight. Nothing too special, but like I said, very normal, just hanging out with my family and playing Carcassonne for the first time.
On New Year's Day we cleaned the bunny cage we bought of Craigslist and set up everything for Bennett's arrival. Saturday morning, we drove down to Vail, AZ and picked him up from the woman we met at the fiber festival in October. The ride home was uneventful for him. Unfortunately, that morning, I started getting really sick to my stomach. By the time we got home, I was doubled over in pain from cramps and made a run to the bathroom. I spent most of the day running from bed to the toilet, which wasn't my idea of the first day we get the bunny home. :( I was too sick to go to church. Towards the end of the night, things were getting a bit better. My stomach is still iffy and I've had a few cramps here and there, but I seem to be recovered other than that, which is very good because bunnies are lots of work.
So far, the litter box training is not going very well. I think this is partially because Bennett is marking his territory and that he's an adolescent male who is not neutered. We're planning on neutering him, so I need to set up a vet appt. He's a very curious and cuddly bunny, he's very very cute. He's even won Laurie over. She was so sweet to take him outside in the pen and hang out on Saturday, when I was sick. He's had some pee accidents when he's then stepped in it, so I tried to give him a little bath today. It went well. I did it just after I finished grooming him and he didn't seem really freaked out about the water. More than anything, I wanted him to get his paws wet so he could finish cleaning them. He really likes knocking his water bowl over. The water bottle I bought isn't working very well. It requires him to push in a little lever in in order for the water to flow, so right now I'm using a little bowl for water with the plan to get a normal bottle with the little ball because all of this knocking the bowl over is not cool. He seems really skinny to Laurie and I. When you pet him, you can feel all of his bones, so we're trying to keep him really well fed, the thinness is another thing I need to bring up with the vet. Here are some of the pictures I have of the new addition of our lives! The first picture is on Saturday, the day we got him and the others are from grooming this morning.
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