Well, the first week with a new bunny has been... interesting. I really love him and he's been wonderful to cuddle and play with but he still hasn't figured out the whole litter box thing. He seems to want to pee everywhere but the litter box. When I move the box to the new corner in which he's been doing his business, he just switches corners and sometimes, not even corners, just all over. I think that a lot of his "bad" behavior is due to the crazy hormones he's going though as an adolescent boy bunny who's not been neutered. We're going to the vet today to have him checked out and schedule the neutering surgery. It would be fantastic if we could get it done this weekend, but I'm not sure how likely that is. The vet that we're going to says on his website that he supports rabbits being fed a hay only diet. This would be really nice. The pellets we've been giving Bennett are timothy hay pellets and not alfalfa based, so I don't know if they would fit into this regimen. I'm also wondering how to switch over to hay only, because he seems like he's starving when I give him his pellets, but I'm guessing if he only had hay he would probably start eating it. It'll be an interesting vet visit. We're worried that he has ear mites and he came to us awfully thin, I'm worried he might be sick or something.
All in all, I think Bennett is a laid back rabbit. I've been playing with him for short bits of time out of the cage (he'll get longer once he's potty trained) and he loves to cuddle. Last night, we let him have full run of the kitchen when we where making dinner and he was being adorable. The floor is linoleum, so he kept slipping when he was trying to hop around. After he did some exploring, he found a nice little spot under the desk in the kitchen and just hung out there, chilling. Laurie would throw him the occasional scrap of carrot and parsnip (which he LOVED) and he'd go after it, but definitely at a leisurely pace. We got some really cute pictures of him from his little kitchen outing. It's funny because it seemed like he was posing for the camera! I'm definitely loving having him around, but it's been a lot of work this week. More that I was expecting and to be honest there might have been a moment or two when I thought that it was too much work and we should give him back to Susan... and then he cuddles with me and it's all worth it.
Laurie's going to be gone tonight and tomorrow to go take a test she needs to graduate for her masters. She'll be driving to Las Vegas tonight and home tomorrow night. I'll miss her, but it shouldn't be that long of a time away, but I am bummed that I won't be able to go to our LYS tonight for our normal knit night. And last but certainly not least, before I go make myself lunch, I wanted to wish Mandy a very happy birthday!
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