So, finally, a post that I started writing on Friday but never got beyond one line and a bunch of pictures (out of order). These are the pics of my skiing from our California ski weekend. I can't wait to go back.

Getting strapped into the bi-ski
All strapped in and ready to hit the slopes and trying out the outriggers!
My first hill, on the way down to get in line for the ski lift, I was told to aim for one of the skiers at the bottom, sadly, the kid I was aiming for got away.
Out there hitting the slopes! At one point, some of Laurie's family passed over me on the chair lift, while I was skiing down the bunny slope and started cheering for me - it was such and awesome moment and an amazing feeling to be skiing.
Ok, now I'm really out there on the slope with my instructors! (Laurie loves this picture because I was getting all crazy with the outriggers on the one side.) You can also see me covered in snow on one side because I fell over. The ski seemed to be leaning to the left, so I was over correcting when I was transversing the slope on the right and falling over. The instructors we awesome, they kept making sure I was comfortable and not freezing cold when I was covered in snow. These are sadly few pictures because Laurie's parent's camera was loosing battery, we found out later there was a replacement one in the case, so we should have taken more pictures, oh well. We'll get lots next time!
So, this weekend, we did some major house cleaning in an effort to be able to allow Bennett into the part of the house that will be his roaming area. It's almost there. We were able to extend his area a little bit. He's still using the litter box with the extra space, even though he did mark a few times in the new space. I think that he will mark all of the new space he has because there was a dog living here before us and I'm sure it smells like dog to him everywhere. Luckily, the marking isn't that hard to clean up. We still need to do some bunny proofing in the bedroom, and then he will be an official house rabbit living with his owners, sharing their space. I'm looking forward to it, it's been so cool to peek in on him with the new space. He's not just locked in his room anymore and we can see each other. I even caught him eating hay off of the hay rack, which I've never seen him do before. So these next pictures I took on Friday. He was being pretty cute...
Just a puff ball with ears.
Bennett content. When we pet him, he settles in like this. As he relaxes, his back haunches get higher and higher as his head gets closer and closer to the ground until he's all laid out. It's really sweet and cute.
What? Did you say food?
Come on, mom, I'm on the potty.
A flying leap from the cage. 2 weeks ago, he couldn't jump from the cage to the ground and vise versa.
Bunny mohawk, brought to you by a bored Laurie.
I know the pellets are in there... Just shove my head in a little further!
This is a picture of a perfect bunny nose print on the mirror.
Come on, mom, my bowl's right there, just a few more pellets, please?
This is how the nose prints get on the mirror - he loves himself!
Bennett is so cute! And very playful and so affectionate. The ski trip looks amazing and you seem to have a great time. KnottyEwe.
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