And then there were four

I've been blogging a lot lately about Bennett because I've been very busy with taking care of him and we are finally settling into a routine, so I wanted to talk a bit about what's been going on with me.

On Thursday, I have an appt with the Ear Nose and Throat (ENT) surgeon to see about what's been going on with lump things that keep popping up on me. The general surgery clinic was so backed up that they can't see me until the beginning of February, so my doc and Laurie and I decided we'd go ahead and see the ENT guys because it would be a bit faster. (Although, I am keeping that appt with general surgery.) Two days ago, we discovered another lump, this time on my right cheek. It's not all that noticeable if you don't know that it's there, just looks a little weird from the side. So that makes four: one on my neck/collarbone, one on my back, one on my right leg and now on the right cheek. I'm really kind of nervous about what's going on. I know that there is at least one, probably more, biopsy in my future, which I'm not really looking forward to. We'll see. Hopefully, I won't get stuck by a needle this week, but that they will order more imaging or set up something for the biopsy where I'm sedated or something (I'm not really counting on the sedation, my guess is it will be done with a local). On the other hand, I would really like to get down to the bottom of what's going on and see if something can be done about it, especially so I can get off the extra meds I'm taking. I'm sure I'll be posting back later what becomes of this ENT appt.

Laurie started her new job at the beginning of January, she really enjoys it, even with a longer commute. I don't know if I mentioned this already, but she's able to take the bus into work a few days a week, if she wakes up in time :). I went into work with her yesterday, even though she had the day off, to bring some of her materials that she'd collected from her time at St. Paul's in to her classroom. The school is actually in the Jewish Community Center in Scottsdale, and it's a beautiful campus.

A week ago Sunday, we took a trip to the eye doctor because I needed new sunglasses (my old ones, which I loved, were stolen out of our car sometime last year) and they insisted because it had been longer than a year that I get a new eye exam. Well, it turned out to be the right thing to do because my eye sight had apparently changed quite a bit between now and then. I guess I had just assumed my glasses were always dirty, because I can see so much more clearly with the new prescription. I got a really cute pair of sunglasses, too, 50% off!

This weekend, we're heading back to Laurie's family's cabin in the Sierras, in CA. We're doing a family ski weekend, and the weather is looking wonderful as far as new snowfall! I'll be downhill skiing for the first time ever, and I'm really looking forward to it. The ski resort by the cabin has an adaptive ski program, and I'm going to get some lessons and hit the slopes! I'm a bit worried, because Bennett is being neutered tomorrow and we're leaving Thursday night for CA, but our former neighbor, Eileen, is going to be taking care of him. It should be pretty easy for her because he'll be confined to the cage while he heals a little. I'm excited to see how non-hormone-raging Bennett comes home to us.

We're sitting here, listening to the rain. This weekend, since Bennett has been so good about using the litter box, we extended his territory. He now has almost free reign of the second bedroom, with the couch and the mass of cords for the printer/fax/copier and the internet stuff fenced off. He's just hanging out with me, but I better be going, tuna melts for dinner and I'm hoping to have it done before Laurie gets home. :)


Anonymous said...

Hi there!I found your blog from Ravelry in the Angora Rabbit Group. I also have a 6-month old Angora rabbit and I'm glad we're sharing the same experience as house rabbit owners. I'll take Kroger (that's his name!) to the vet to have him neutered Wednesday. I was stunned at the prices quoted by local vets for the service (from $230 to $370) so he is going to the SPCA and I hope they will take good care of him. Kroger hasn't done the binky yet, but I hope soon.

KnottyEwe in Ravelry

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