She's landed!

Well, no pictures yet, but yesterday I got a call from TYF saying that they had received the shipment from Schacht and that my Ladybug wheel was in! Terry put her together and I've been hooked ever since. She has the honored spot in the living room - right in front of my recliner (what I usually use to spin in). I love her and I'm so happy to have her home with me after all the waiting. When I went in to TYF last night, I had intended to spin some CVM that I bought at TYF from a little 4-H girl who was selling raw wool. I washed and carded it and planned on it being my first project - however, when I sat down to spin, I decided I should not spin for a specific project but just spin to get to know the wheel, so I bought some Mountain Colors targhee (in the colorway Heather - !!) and am spinning that up!

Pictures soon - I promise!


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