Medical fun

To add to fiber fun, I have had a bit of medical "fun" in the past week. I'd noticed about two weeks ago that the lump on my back - remember the emergence of random hurt-y bumps all over my body and the particular painful one on my back? - started to hurt more than usual. As a chronic pain pro, I ignored it - although I did mention it to my PCP at my appointment last week. Last weekend, while showering me, Laurie noticed that the lump on my back had doubled in size and felt hot to the touch. This worried us, I had just finished a round of antibiotics for a UTI, so I shouldn't have an infection after that. So, what is going on? After an urgent doc appt that made me miss my horsemanship lesson, we still don't know. My pain meds got upped and I was told to make haste to the dermatologist. Unfortunately, I had just missed a derm appt a few weeks ago because the scooter blew a tire that morning and I wasn't able to get myself to the appointment. I have a loaner scooter now, thank goodness, although I do miss mine terribly, but I still missed the appt and it takes three months to get in to see the dermatologist. Hopefully, Laurie is going to see if we can schedule me in with another derm doc on my insurance plan and that would be faster. It's so frustrating not knowing what's going on with my body. Can't things ever settle down for once? The resident that I saw at the urgent appt was really sweet and seemed genuinely sorry that she couldn't do something more for me. I really hope we can finally find some doctor who will biopsy one of these lumps and get down to the bottom of this.

The good news is that this weekend will take some of the stress off. Laurie, Marc and I are headed up to Flagstaff. It's supposed to snow and I'm looking forward to hanging out, looking out onto snow covered trees and knitting or spinning or tatting.

And lastly, fabulous news - my mom was so generous, she paid for me to take the beginning floor loom class! It starts tomorrow! Squee! At least I have happy things to look forward to in the midst of the medical crap!


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