Knitting and spinning and WEAVING - oh my!

This past weekend was a learning experience for me - a very fun, exciting learning experience. Our little yarn store offers weaving classes and has floor looms (and other types) in the store to be learned on. The weaving class itself is a bit expensive, but if there is a loom available, for $25 they will warp the loom for you and let you weave a 72" scarf. This offer is not a class, although there is some basic instruction when needed and it's a fabulous way to start weaving without a lot of major monetary commitment. So, this past weekend, I wove! I wanted to weave with some of the alpaca that we brought home from Chile two years ago, so two weeks ago, I brought in the alpaca and all of the friday night crowd helped me pick a yarn that would match beautifully. We ended up picking a very lovely coral color and that is what I used as a warp. The first scarf isn't very pretty - it's very wonky in places and I didn't have a pattern in mind, so it's rather all over the place. Nevertheless, it's my first woven piece and I'm happy to have made it! I am planning on giving it to my mom, as it's something that she would be hard pressed to destroy.

My second scarf, however, I am so very proud of! I picked a herringbone pattern from a weaving book and did that. It turned out fabulous! I can't wait to wear it somewhere! I'm hoping to talk my mom into helping finance taking the weaving class, because a woman from our lys offered to loan me a loom if I learned how to use it properly. That would be fantastic! I'm trying to decide what to do - if I want to weave another scarf or really take the class and dive head on into weaving... We'll see!

Here are the pictures - I wish you could touch them, they are so marvelously soft:

First scarf

Second, herringbone scarf


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