When the cat's away...
Posted by
on Monday, July 13, 2009
Well, the time for Laurie's trip to Washington DC has arrived, she left on Saturday night to fly off to do her 2nd cohort for graduate school. Our neighbor, Eileen, is helping me out while Laurie is away. The bad news is that I miss Laurie, but the good is that I have lots to keep me busy. Tonight is the only night this week that I'm not really doing anything. My mom came over and had pizza with me last night and I have Harry Potter, knitting, yoga, and knitting retreat respectively for the rest of the week. And I have Le Tour de Fleece to keep me busy as well. The one thing that I did that I regret was that I watched a slightly scary movie the night that Laurie left and had a hard time falling asleep that night. I don't think I'll be doing that again! So, I'm off to entertain myself, I'm trying to finish the sixth HP book before the movie tomorrow night. Hopefully, I'll be posting pictures of my new Bosworth spindle soon, I had my hopes up that it would come today, but not so. :(
when the cat's away, huh!? what's that supposed to mean?? just cuz I'm not there, doesn't mean I'm not keeping tabs on you!
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