Well, I've managed to do a little spinning every day for Le tour
de fleece, but I've been pretty busy so far this week! The party for Matt and Monica was very nice, mostly it was people I didn't know, but the ones I did know were good to see :). We've spent the last few nights at Laurie's sister and brother in law's house about 45 minutes from her parent's house. William and JP are so big, (we haven't seen William since
Thanksgiving, I believe; JP came to Chile with
Christy). They are both really cute. JP has to be the cuddliest baby I've ever known - he's always ready for a snuggle. And William is so smart for a two year old, he's into everything, but so polite! The boys have been doing some really cute things while we're here. JP dances for us if we sing him the "dancing" song - basically he bobs his body up and down to the beat - it is adorable and it cheers him up (or distracts him). Really though, he's a smiley baby but he's cutting a tooth or something now so he's not his normal self. William loves to read and can sit by himself for a really long time reading to himself.

We brought out Laurie's spinning wheel for Christy to see and for the boys to play with a little. Both love it. William likes to steer it like a ship or to jog on the treadles. JP is happy to sit on the treadles as they go up and down. Pretty cute! Both like the spindle. William comes up to me and says "spinning in circles?" and watches for awhile, JP watches but more often makes a grab at it :).

Anyways, we're headed up to the cabin tomorrow, so we'll be doing some baby free spinning. I hope to get a lot done. I've kind of been spinning in the in-between times of playing with the baby, hanging out with Christy and Laurie and all of the family visits, meals and nap time. I've carded more to spin a couple of times now, but my spindle could still take some more!
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