We're planning on leaving this Thursday night for CA, for Matt and Monica's US reception and spending about a week there in Northern California. I know for sure we'll be seeing Christy and the boys, but we are also hoping to spend some time up at the cabin. We're bringing the wheel so Laurie can enjoy some spinning relaxation! I think it would be beautiful to sit in the cabin with her and just spin. We haven't been to the cabin in a while and I'm looking forward to it. Anyways, I'm supposed to be napping, but couldn't sleep with all the good news. Laurie will be home soon, I hope. She's taking some students to church this evening and my mom's out of town, so no Sunday dinner. We have lots of leftovers from this weekend, as we went to the Prescott brewing restaurant that we really like in downtown Prescott, which has the best homemade cream soda and veggie pot pie!
My weekend - Sunday
Posted by
on Sunday, June 28, 2009
Well, we got up bright and early this morning for a very exciting cause! (Drumroll please...) We bought Laurie a spinning wheel! Yay! We've been wanting one since she learned to spin in January, but they are a little pricey and the one that she uses at the little yarn store was up at $650 new and $400 used (not including shipping or anything...), so we've waited. Laurie really likes the Ashford Joy at the store. Happy for us, an Ashford Kiwi came up on Craigslist from a woman in Prescott that was very reasonably priced. So we drove on up there. She was very nice and very surprised about how young we where :). Laurie got to try it out before we bought it and it treadles just like the Joy, so it's a keeper! It's beautifully painted, about a year and a half old and it really good condition! I'm so happy for Laurie - I know it's been a little sad for her to watch me spin with my spindle and having to wait for yarn store days to spin. And even that's not a sure bet- the Joy's pretty popular and she doesn't really care for the other wheels she tried (which makes the kiwi very exciting). I'm so happy with my spindles and it will be good to see her happy, too!

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