The next, was the reason for the trip in the first place - Matt and Monica's wedding. This is a pic from the reception, dancing.
Home again...
Posted by
on Monday, June 8, 2009
Well, we've returned from Chile safe and sound - we've been home a bit over a week, so it's taken me awhile to recover and actually get to blogging... I got sick when we got home and spent several days just sleeping. It was a wonderful trip, though! I am so happy that I was able to go and we had so much fun. It was really cool to go and stay with people who actually live in Chile and get that experience and not just the typical tourist stuff (which we did a little of). All the people I met there were wonderful and kind and the wheelchair was not a big deal at all. I have so much to say about our trip - 10 days is a lot of stories... But for now here are some pics - this one is of me and a woman in the main yarn store that we went to in Temuco. As you can see, I'm loaded down with over a kilo of yarn that we bought. She was so sweet, she loved and admired my spinning and knitting and wanted me to stay and work there!

And in the not related category, here's a pic of my first handspun yarn all skeined up! (Not the same spinning I brought to Chile, though... I brought my Golding, which is now being sent back to me from getting broken :(, but I'll have it in time for my spinning luxury fiber class on wednesday!)

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