
On Friday, I had two doctor appts and they went pretty well.  One was with my PCP, Dr. Skinner, who always provides a really fun appt.  Unfortunately, I had to get 3 shots and a blood draw and I was not a happy camper.  Lucky me, I'm one out of a hundred to get a response to the Tdap vaccine that includes pain, swelling and redness affecting the ability to do normal activity.  I've been taking Ibuprofen round the clock and icing my poor arm and it's helping a little but it's still hurting a ton and I can't type for very long without exasperating it... The good news though, is that I'm all vaccinated for our trip for Chile and Laurie isn't getting any vaccines so it looks like we'll not be needing a trip down to the health dept travel clinic!  We also managed to procure a travel oxygen concentrator for me!  YAY!  We bought it off of craigslist and it works and was a great deal!  No more blue nights traveling (at least with electricity) and no more lugging the beast around!  Whoohoo!  Well, I'm off to find some more ice...


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