The house buying thing is still up in the air. We've looked at a number of places and put offers on 2 at this point (one of them today) and the first is dealing with a very uncooperative bank that thinks the property is worth more than it is and won't back down from a pretty large price tag. The place that we are offering on today (Laurie just left to go buy paper to print the contract to fax it to our agent!) is a nice single family home a little far away from where we are now but it's really nice and needs fairly minimal work. It's a great floor plan for wheelchair accessibility. It's a short sale so it sounds like we might be waiting to hear for a little bit. The plan would be for me to use dial a ride to get to and from yoga. But it is close to a Walgreens!
Anyways, knitting is going well, too. I have one sock done for Debbie and the other nearly to the heel flap. Being sick put me behind a little because I was way to tired to knit. I did, however, get new sock yarn that is wonderful. Receiving it was part of a bribe that Laurie used to get me to go back to the Mayo clinic for a follow up appt which was really useless. It's a lovely blend of 80% Merino wool 10% cashmere and 10% nylon. The colorway is Lavender Fields. It's amazing and I can't wait to knit with it!

Twisted flower socks
Lavender Fields
On the endocrine front, we had a follow up with Mayo which was pointless. He told us nothing we didn't already know an I felt again that I knew way more about MEN 1 than he did and he wouldn't actually listen to a thing we said. So we had are new endocrine appt with the doc at county and it was a little better. She was nice and listened, agreed that genetic testing was something we needed to pursue and wants to actually look at my symptom progression and listen to what I have to say. I only hope that when she gets the records from Mayo that she doesn't totally turn off and think whatever Mayo says is the word of God. Mayo didn't believe the MRI that showed the pituitary tumor, but I guess we can always redo the MRI and see what the new one says. Now, we get to scramble around and decide what vaccinations to pursue as far as our trip to Chile goes and other than that all's been rather calm on the health front - although I do have a bunch of specialty appts coming up - life's never boring.
The only thing that I haven't talked much about is Rachel and Andy's wedding in Nebraska. It was absolutely lovely and I had a wonderful weekend with all of the assorted family members. I had hoped to have pictures from the wedding or something but I think I'll detail how much fun it was later...
Well, I think I'm caught up!
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