I have wonderful, exciting news... I'm now officially a spinner!
Yay! Last night, our neighbor, Eileen (the one who took Laurie and me to the desert botanical gardens) was kind enough to drive me out to Tempe Yarn and Fiber so I could take a spinning class. I'm not really interested in spinning on a wheel, so I'm spinning on a drop spindle. The spinning wheel wasn't invented until the 1500s and before then everyone used a drop spindle. It may take awhile to amass a very large amount of yarn but I really like the idea of being connected to the past spinning on my drop spindle. For my first lesson I did very well (according to my teacher and Laurie did give it approval and since she's the master spinner in our house that is good :) ) It's harder than it looks but I think I'm getting the hang of it and with practice I'm sure one day I'll be good at it! It will be really cool one day to design projects with my own yarn! I'm hoping in June to take a luxury fiber spinning class so I can spin alpaca and silk and cashmere and all that good stuff!

My drop spindle.

My drop spindle with what I've spun so far and all my pretty roving.
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