Name calling
Posted by
on Sunday, January 18, 2009
What do you say to your doctor as you are wheeling down the hallway of her office building and she comes out of her office to call you an Evil Brat? I'm not even talking quiet playful banter, I mean shout across everyone to tease you about how you just can't even go the normal month to our next appt, but in fact, a week and a half later, I just couldn't wait to see her. This little comment is not the first (and I truly hope that it is not the last) in line with other comments, like "if you want, I'll take you out back and shoot you" and other such silliness. The truth of the matter is that I have a hilarious relationship with the doctor that I work most closely with, my PCP. She's great - not only is she the most capable doctor I've ever seen (she's taken her own time to research my health issues), she's also the most sardonic. She gets as much fun as we do by freaking out nurses (like when my heart is going about 120+ and they can't count it because of the murmur and hastily give me a confused look and jot down 60) - oh the fun :)! I definitely believe that when you are dealing with multiple rare or complicated health issues (which fits me to a t) humor is one of the best ways of dealing. Even in the most anxious medical moments you should always have time for a smile.
Especially if one is an evil brat... muhahahaha!
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