Golden Girl
Posted by
on Thursday, January 29, 2009
In my yoga class tonight, some words Mary (my yoga instructor) was saying really struck me. They are also some of the same words that stood out to me a few days ago in Vespers... Liquid gold. From the yoga perspective, we were to turn our faces and bodies to liquid gold as the attainment of perfect relaxation in our poses. In God's word, we are also challenged to become like liquid gold - tried by fire to attain union with God to the fullest extent. Each challenge, each proverbial mountain that comes before us on our journey through our lives is our hearts and our souls being prepared for God's love and fulfilling joy. For me, that challenge is my body and my health, constantly throwing wrenches in my plans (note - my plans, not God's). So, to be told tonight to turn my body into liquid gold had a deeper meaning - through my body and through my illnesses, I can become closer to God and each trial makes me a little bit more in tune to God's will for me and my body and pulls me further from the belief that I can make it on my own. By any means, this is not the first time I have come across this message for me. But each time I do hear it again, it is a good reminder that I am not in control and that is ok. :) We all have to work on that in our own little ways.
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