Knitting tidbits

So this is the long awaited first result of Laurie's spinning abilities.  She took her first session of spinning class on Saturday, where this lovely little skein was created.  She also claims that it is not finished yet - she will learn to ply it in the next class.  I wonder if I should start counting down the days before we get a spinning wheel for home (I say this only because she said that she wished she could go home and practice more and of course not because I am thinking of her as a personal source of wonderful homespun yarn)!  We'll see how practicing goes in the store - which reminds me that I should plug Tempe Yarn and Fiber, our little yarn store, for allowing students to use their wheels.  I can't wait for her to take the next session of the class.

I thought I would post these new little stitch markers that I made last night at my mom's house before and a little bit during the rocking out to the Rock & Roll song (refer to previous post - my theme song... which by the way is sung by Eric Hutchinson), since there is no way to post stuff like this to Ravelry.  I think they are lovely and I needed some more little stitch markers because I seem to be doing many more projects with smaller needles that I started out doing.  I have a project coming up that uses size 11 needles and I'm sure it's going to feel like I'm knitting with telephone poles (side note - at SMoCA right now they have an exhibit on radical lace and subversive knitting where a guy actually knitted an american flag with needles the size of telephone poles and used multiple cranes to craft it, only men would do that sort of thing.).


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