I'm am so excited to have happy news about Bennett to report! He seems to be feeling better. Yesterday, he couldn't hold his head up by himself and was struggling to breathe and today, he's been resting much more comfortably, hopping around a little (still a bit shaky but more that he's done in days), breathing normally and eating with a little more gusto. Last night sometime, his fever broke, thank goodness, which I think is part of him feeling better. He seems to be running a bit of a fever tonight, but it's been a little warm today, too, so that could be it as well. Either way, he's resting with us up here on the bed with a wet towel draped over him to keep him nice and cool. He seems very comfortable to just sleep and rest and not move around too much. He is still looking very tired, but lots better than he was looking yesterday. He's on a lot of medicine: 3 antibiotics, an anti-inflammatory and subcutaneous fluids right now. I feel bad about having to stick him with needles quite frequently, but he's really patient with me and I think he knows that it's helping him feel better, so he's allowing me to do it. I was most nervous about giving him the fluids this morning, the needle is an 18 gauge size and it has to stay in until he's gotten his 150 ml, we both survived it and I know the fluids are crucial to him recovering until he can drink on his own. Ella's been doing a good job taking care of him, encouraging him to eat and cuddling up with him for moral support. I really don't think Bennett would have hung on like he did if he hadn't had Ella right by his side. She tries to fight me off when I come by in the morning with the needles. I got nipped twice today from her while I was giving him the fluids! I'm hoping by tomorrow Bennett will be feeling even better! Here's a picture of him convalescing on our bed tonight with his saddle blanket - I mean his wet towel:
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