
Hello, again!

Even though I posted on Easter, I feel like I haven't posted in forever, due to feeling very poorly last week, when Laurie sweetly posted for me, and since I've been busy with my mom having surgery yesterday. So - I'm back!

First thing, you'll notice that the blog has changed! Laurie and I are staying with my mom right now to help her out after her surgery and my younger brother, Nate, is really good at the computer stuff and I had been wanting to look a little different than the blogger templates that you can choose from with the basic blog stuff, and tonight, he very kindly spent some time with me, helping me pick out a new look for the blog! Not all the links work - yet! I'm hoping that I can see if I can get them working, with Nate's help over the next few days, so we'll see. Even if they don't, I still like the new look much better - I hope you do too!

Dinner's almost ready, and I have bunches to post about, so expect lots more from me very soon! I'll leave you with a cute bunny picture to start things off...


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