Bunny videos

Yesterday, I dug out my old casio camera which has been in the "electronics" bin in the garage since we've moved and it fell out of favor when we got our digital SLR. It has a feature that the SLR doesn't, the ability to make videos! The quality isn't fantastic, but I've been wanted to post videos of some of the cute things the bunnies do and today I got a few shot and edited a little bit to post to the blog.

This first video is of Bennett playing with his Kong toy. We couldn't find the "small animal" version, but the smallest dog one works just fine for him and sometimes Ella will join in the fun, too. If you will notice, he will toss it up into the air or boss it around and then spend several minutes trying to find if anything came out of it. Pretty funny and a great toy! The treat inside is dried pineapple.

This video is of Bennett being Bennett. He does a little bit of binky-ing in this video, where he races around the room at a break neck speed and then just stops and looks around like - where am I? Also, at the end of the video, you can see the neat trick his Auntie Laurie taught him - how to hop up into the "bunny condo".

Now for the Ella ones. Here is Ella drinking at the water bottle. She's still working on perfecting her technique, and you can see her biting the spout and shaking it in an effort to make it do what she wants. It's a roll bottle type of dispenser, so licking it gives you water, but not biting or shaking. She's learning!

This last video is of Ella washing her face. She is just adorable when she does this and I'm kind of sad that the lighting in the video is so poor. It was rainy today and the light in the bunny room isn't movie filming quality, but you can still see how cute she is when she does it. (You will also notice Bennett flopped over in front of her taking a nap.)

We've kind of got the feeding situation figured out now. I feed Bennett his pellets in the big carrier in the morning and let Ella munch on hers if she's interested until he finishes his. Then I put hers up out of reach. For dinner, they seem fine sharing greens and Bennett definitely gets all he needs, so that's not a big deal. Yesterday and just a few minutes ago, Ella came up to me and kind of pawed at me and nipped at my clothing, which I think is her new command for me to get her pellets down so she can munch because when I've done that she stops nipping and pawing. Both times she's done that, Bennett has been occupied with something else and it's worked out nicely. Again, at bedtime, I give Bennett his second bowl of pellets in the large carrier and let Ella eat whatever is left of her pellets. It seems like this feeding schedule is working out, so I'm happy and they are definitely well fed!


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