Big Ben(nett)

So, after posting last, I realized that I forgot a bunch of things that I had been meaning to say about the rabbits. The first is that Bennett is doing really, really well on his new diet. Laurie and I both swear that he's grown another four inches in the last week and he's gaining weight on top of just growing lengthwise. We couldn't be happier for him! He's well on his way to being a very well fed, spoiled bunny :). Mahala has been picking up on the eating too lately, until recently she never finished her bowl of pellets that I give them in the morning, even if they were left out all day and night. She's definitely eating all the pellets and she rivals Bennett for enthusiasm when the salads get put down! She's getting braver about approaching me and asking for pets, but she's still pretty wary of Laurie. She really doesn't like to be picked up, but she usually tolerates it. Last night, pretty late (Laurie got home really late) we were putting the bunny room back together and Laurie went to get her from her enclosure by the front door because we needed to set up the gate system before bunnies went into the room and Laurie ended up chasing her around the house. She's faster than Bennett when it comes to fleeing, and she's so little that it's really hard to catch her. Bennett does really well being picked up, so I guess we're going to have to work on her a bit. But really, that's the way it is with a lot of things with her, it's so sad that she was so neglected the first two years of her life, and we definitely want to give her all the love that she deserves, which means being very patient with her as she learns the ropes in her new, forever home. She always seems very happy though, and she loves to frolic around the room, which is adorable to watch, and then there's the snoring noise she makes when she's asleep - what can I say? She is a very sweet, cute little girl and we're so glad she's come to live with us.

Anyways, speaking of frolicking, when we put Bennett back into his side of the bunny room last night at about 12:45 am, he went wild. I have never seen him binky so high before! He spent a least 15 minutes binkying around the room, just bouncing off of the walls, he was so happy to be back in the bunny room! It was hilarious to watch, and we think that he was showing off a little bit for Mahala's sake. :) What can you say, the crazy things people, er, animals, do when they're in love! One time, he binky-ed over the small carrier and another he landed perfectly with his mouth right on the water bottle. The amusing thing was that his half of the bunny room really isn't that much bigger than the exercise pen that he was staying in, so go figure.

On Tuesday, I psyched myself up all day to give Mahala her penicillin shot. It went a lot better than I thought it was going to go. She didn't jump nearly as much as she did when I gave it to her in the vet's office. It was probably better because we were at home and not somewhere scary. I think we were both shaking, but I did it and it's all over until next Tuesday! The shots really are working, she is sneezing less and there's less green snot coming out of her nose, so that's really good.

Well, Laurie and I are off tonight for our Oblate retreat. My sister Andie is taking care of the bunnies for us this weekend, which I am really grateful for. So, bonding is halting for the weekend and will resume on Monday or maybe Sunday afternoon, who knows. Interestingly enough, Mahala, while I've been typing this, has been sniffing my feet (I'm wearing my ladybug socks) and decided a few minutes ago to mount and hump them. Very odd. Not sure what that was about... Asserting dominance over me? She really likes me that much - or the socks? Hmmmm. Weird.


Anonymous said...

Oh! im so glad Fred sent out your blog address!! I have to keep up with The Bunnies!
Your New Friend from TY&F

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