Well, I finished the hedgehog, Woolflower, in time for the family reunion party, so she's off to a child getting the services from Ronald McDonald house. She was a lot of fun to knit and create. Laurie did the needle felting of the eyes and nose and mouth. She turning out really nice and we found out that we can felt things in our front loader washer! Here are the pics:

This past week, we met with our Expressions in Spinning group. I finished my skein for "The Soul of the Rose" painting. It is 100% tussah silk, lace weight yarn and I have about 290 yards. I found a beautiful kerchief pattern on Ravelry and plan to start knitting it up as soon as I get this yarn wound into a ball! It will be my first project with my handspun.

Our topic for this month was favorite movie and they drew my name out of the hat! I chose the first Harry Potter movie, because it's definitely one of my favorites and it was so close to Halloween that it seemed appropriate. I found some beautiful gray-white cashmere/silk fiber that I'm spinning up on my Russian support spindle, the color looks like Dumbledore's beard. I'm trying to spin it as finely as possible, hopefully it will be around cobweb weight and I can make a little shawl out of it.
Some of my friends were admiring Sheldon at JP's party. They were really impressed you made him.
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