A drappt day...
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on Tuesday, November 3, 2009
We have a friend with MS that always refers to her Dr. appointments as "drappts" all said as one word. Yesterday, I had an appt with my PCP. She's wonderful and her clinic had the H1N1 vaccine available to give to me so I got it. According to the AZ health dept website, it's not even being offered to clinics yet. This has definitely been a time when being a part of the county system has been in my favor. I just need to wait out the 2 weeks before the vaccine really works! Not that I'm not still going to be really careful about using my hand sanitizer and stuff but it's a big relief to have gotten the vaccine without long lines and fighting for it, all I had to do was ask. Anyways, about three weeks ago (maybe 4?) Laurie noticed that I had a bit of swelling right above my left collar bone. When you palpate the area, you can feel a mass and it's a bit sensitive to be touched. Last week, I had a CT scan so we could see what's going on because it's getting bigger. So, I was a little worried about finding out the results of the CT yesterday. Turns out it's not anything really big. It's most likely that I have a swollen lymph node that's blocked or something and the lymph fluid that would otherwise be filtering through it is backing up causing the swelling. We're going to wait and see if it changes, and if it gets bigger, we're off to see the ENT doc again. Right now, the lymph node is only 1 cm, so it would be a bit of a needle in a haystack to do a biopsy of it, that and the location is not great for doing that. So, we'll see. It's kind of started feeling achy a little bit all the time, so we'll see what happens with it. I'm very relieved it's not something major! Well, that's the end of the medical news for now, I've got some fiber related stuff that I'll do in another post... Trying to decide if I want to post or spin...
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