I've started spinning the tussah silk that I got with my last expressions in spinning gathering. It represents the pearls in her hair. I'm hoping to make a beautiful lacy headband with it or see how much yardage I get and maybe make a silk handkerchief, we'll see. It's lots of fun to spin :).
I also finally started Matt and Monica's wedding gift, a hand knitted throw in green. It's a vintage pattern so it's a little hard to read, there are different abbreviations for stitches that are old school. I'm hoping the 3 inches of moss stitch goes quickly because it's rather boring. But it is a good mindless project as a break from the socks I'm working on. And once I start the "real" pattern it will be a fun and beautiful project. I hope they like it!
In other news, I saw the geneticist yesterday. I had hoped for a definitive yes or no on the MEN 1 thing, but nope. The testing is not completely accurate in all cases. Although the test came back normal, there is still a 25% chance that I have it. The geneticist thinks they should treat me like I have it, because I have all the clinical symptoms and with the family history there is a pretty big likelihood that I have it. She recommended I come back in 5 years to be retested, because the field of genetics is growing so much that in a short period of time, they might find all the genes involved. Oh well, it would have been so nice to have that yes but on we go :).
When I get back from Seattle, I promise some new pictures... I finished the merino/alpaca blend that I was working on and Laurie liked it so much that we bought more of those fibers and I'm going to spin enough to make her a pair of leg warmers. I also have a new spindle in the mail (oh how I want it to come today). We're going to the Southwest fiber festival in october and I'm signed up for a joy of spindle spinning class that I'm also looking forward to. Well, I better go check that I'm all packed for the trip - I wouldn't want to forget my fibery projects, if I did I'd be very sad...
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