Loot from the weekend in Seattle

Well, I was going to post a bunch of pictures about our trip to Seattle to see Laurie's brother and sister-in-law, but Laurie stole all of the pictures we took off of the memory card before she gave it to me so I can't do that right now. :( Instead, I have pictures of the yarn/fiber/spindles that came home with us! (Which is just as entertaining to me!) Without giving too much info on exactly what we did, I don't want to repeat stuff with the pictures of us later, I can tell you that we went to one yarn shop in Seattle and went to the Puyallup Fair, which had an artist in action store (one of the arts was spinning...) Let the pictures begin!

This is the KCL Woods spindle my mom bought me, she came in the mail the day we left for Seattle, I'm looking forward to trying her out tonight. 1.4 oz cherry whorl and bloodwood shaft with carved shell inlay - I love her, so beautiful!

We found these perfect spindle bags at Pike's Place Market. (The one in the back was a must have - with the bandaids and Rx bottles :) )

The next couple of things we got in the yarn store in Seattle, The Weaving Works. 1 oz white angora.

2 skeins handspun BFL - I'm blanking on the colorway.

3 buttons for my sister's cowl, when it is finished. They are very cool, they change color from green to pink in different light.

1.2 oz Paela spindle made by True Creations. (This is resting on something very important that I'm super excited about and will talk about in a bit...)

This pic starts the fiber we bought at the Puyallup Fair. A "Tussah silk top sample pack" including 1/2 oz skeins of tussah, honey tussah, brown cashmere/tussah, white yak/tussah, baby camel/tussah.

My new pride and joy... a Romney lamb fleece!!! 6 pounds of unwashed but very clean fleece, all ready to be washed up and spun! It's my first fleece, and Laurie is planning to spin up some of it too but I'm sooooooo excited about it! I carried it around the fair in a garbage bag all day (after a very long hunt for fiber...) and had no trouble bringing it back on the plane!

Here is just one lock of the fleece. It's a beautiful brown and will probably spin up darker than that. We got a whole lesson on how to prepare the fleece to spin and I can't wait. Obviously, 6 lbs is a lot of fiber, but I couldn't get a good picture of how much there is! It will last me quite a bit of time! We were also told that it is a very good fleece, not only because it is so clean, but the strength of the locks and crimp is really good quality as well. When I say "clean" I mean that there's almost no vegetable matter, poop, or other things the sheep might have rolled in during it's lifetime. But, it still needs to be washed so all of the grease comes out of it. Right now, it smells like a barn when you get close to that bag, but I'm very much enjoying it and can't wait to be spinning it. Well, I'm supposed to be napping and I'm so exhausted from our trip I'll probably sleep all week until Laurie's parents get here on Thursday. So back to bed for me!


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