Moving and a little fun

Today, we are officially out of our old place. Laurie's over there right now doing the finishing touches, with the hope that we will get our deposit back. It's kind of frustrating trying to do everyday stuff with everything in boxes still. Hopefully, after a week of finally clearing out everything from the old place, we can start unpacking at the new one. That will make me a very happy girl :). The kitchen is a bit of a mess right now if you want to eat at home... Pull out a plate from this box, zip around to the box across the room for a cup (and mind you, unwrapping it from it's paper wrapping), to the fridge, microwave, oven, repeat. Our toaster oven is out of service until we find the racks that go inside. Finding clean clothes is a similar adventure :).

Anyways, my newest spindle came in the mail yesterday. I'm waiting to take a picture of it because I want to get a beautiful shot of it on our new reclaimed pine dining room table, and the table is not set up yet (well, still in boxes in the garage). She's gorgeous though, purpleheart whorl and ebony shaft, and she spins great. She came with a pouf of very bright pink, sparkly fiber that I spun up as a test run last night at TYF. This morning, I andean plied it and ended up with about 20 yarns of somewhere between lace weight and fingering weight yarn. I think that I'm going to use it to make a flower for my hedgehog. Speaking of which, the Woolflower, the hedgehog is going very well. She's been a fun knit and I'm nearing the time to felt her. We bought some yarn to make a hedgehog for my mom, but I'm not sure if what we picked out will actually work, the yarn for the "quills" seems too skimpy to come out well. I'm going to ask about it next week and probably end up returning it because I don't want to knit with 3 strands held together, just the wool and the novelty yarn together is enough to keep track of. Anyways, those are the pictures that are following. Also pictured is the malabrigo lace weight yarn that I bought last night. The colorway is "applewood" and I'm planning on plying it with the cashmere/silk that I've been squirreling away for a lovely yarn when I am worthy of spinning it.


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