The mic mishap

I'm planning on blogging tomorrow with some pictures and updates but I want to throw in this little story...

Yesterday, at Mass, I was on for lectoring. We got there on time and made the effort to make sure that the altar was all set for us wheeling up the ramp, without any obstacles. Fast forward to the end of the opening prayer, Laurie pushes me up the ramp and we get the lectionary and the hand held mic that I use because the ambo mic isn't accessible. Laurie wheels me around to the front of the ambo, like usual and goes back to her seat. I flick on the mic and start the reading from Joshua... No sound coming from the mic... I tap it to see if it is on (some times the sound people fix the problem really quickly and just trying again works), it doesn't. After a bit of panic, here I am in the front of the altar, very immobilized looking around for someone to come help me. I can't see Laurie and I can't see Fr. John or Deacon Don. Luckily, the sound guy comes to my rescue. After he checks the mic, he decides that it is truly not working (I could have told him that!) and heads back to the sacristy for the second ear piece mic that does work. All in all, the reading was a success. I'm told I looked poised and graceful as I nervously awaited someone to come to my rescue and then for him to come back with a working mic. Hopefully, this won't happen again. I know that I'll never not check that the mic is working again. Looking back, I was mortified but now it's just kind of funny. Needless to say, at the parish activity after Mass, I got a lot of comments. :) (It's a good thing that I'm pretty pink already, I'm sure that I turned several shades of red in embarrassment, I'm hoping that not too many people noticed...)


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