Or this could be "Heather and Laurie are crazy enough to have gone antique shopping yesterday in over 110 degree heat..." or "Yay! We're finally home owners!!!!!!!!!". Anyways, we are finally home owners and yesterday, instead of waiting by the phone anxiously to find out if the loan funded and we could actually go into our new place without breaking in (to be fair we did have the keys...), we went antique shopping for new stuff for our new place! It would have been really fun if it was like, November here. But even with the excruciating heat, we managed to find some really neat stuff! I don't have any pictures of it yet, but we bought a table that will be my computer table, 2 arm chairs and Laurie's out right now buying a sofa and chair off of someone from craigslist. Very exciting! I'm looking forward to seeing it all put together!
In spinning news, I finished spinning the singles for my "canyon" yarn but I've only plied a little bit of it. I didn't get a nap yesterday (part of why we ended up in bed exhausted at 9 at night) and so I didn't have the patience needed to ply all of it, instead I made a little mini-skein so that I had something to show to the spinning expressions group last night. All my hard Tour de Fleece work and I'm still not finished yet. But I do have to say that spinning 4 oz just on a drop spindle is ambitious. This month, I'm only going to do at the most 2 oz, so I have time to spin other stuff, too. My canyon yarn ended up about fingering (sock) weight, which is great! It's my second skein of finished yarn ever and here it is:

Like I mentioned, our spinning expressions group met last night, and even though we were beat, we participated. This month, we're spinning a member of the group's grandmother. So, I'm doing a rose garden in a little bit muted colors because I'm adding about half and half of some white merino/cashmere to it. (So it's half 80/20 Merino/cashmere put together with merino/silk.) It looks really pretty and it's sooooo soft. I wanted to work with the cashmere a little bit, too because I have some cashmere/silk that I want to spin into something gorgeous and want a bit of practice with it. So that's the next couple of pictures.
The little yarn store we love and frequent got some new fiber in yesterday and Laurie was sweet enough to let me get some lovely BFL (blue face leicester) that was beautiful, natural color. I've been goggling over BFL in little shops on the internet and was jealous of a friend who had some at the retreat so I'm really excited about it. It's 4 oz worth :).
And last are the pics of my new spinning/knitting journal. I'm excited about it, too, because I want to keep track of what I've spun with little samples and keep track of everything. It's hand-bound and will be perfect for what I want to do with it. There are even little pockets and graph paper for yarn labels and such!

Today, we're heading over to TYF again for the Tour de Fleece group picture :). It'll be fun!