
A picture list of almost all my spindles.  (I discovered putting this together that I don't have pictures of everyone - gasp!)

My first spindle - and Ashford 1.3 oz (Not pictured - my Ashford 3 oz plying spindle)

My Antique Rosette II Golding .67oz spindle.

My Spinsanity .8oz plying spindle, Tudor Rose design

                       Bosworth FW .64oz,                                      KCL woods spindle 1.4 oz 
                        Purpleheart whorl                                      Cherry whorl with carved shell inlay
                           Ebony shaft                                                       Bloodwood shaft

True Creations spindle - .8 oz
Mora whorl

               A Spinner's Lair supported spindle            Spanish Peacock russian supported spindles
                 Unsure of wood -will research...              12" and 14" Bolivian Rosewood w/ bowl
                                                                                (12" had the tip of the shaft broken off, so is out of                                          
                                                                                                commission right now.)

Front - Bead tahkli, spun in shell.
Back - coin tahkli (see further picture)

                      Another close up of the coin tahkli with                    Spanish Peacock russian spindle
                  Bennett's fiber on it.  (Bought at fiber festival)                 2 12" Lignum Vitae w/ bowl

Jenkins Turkish Delight 1.2 oz
Striped Ebony

So the spindles that are missing are a Bosworth .56 oz Sapele Mahogany whorl, Cochin Rosewood shaft that was one of my first spindles, the large Ashford, and a suspended unfinished wood spindle that I got as a part of the spindle class at the Southwest Fiber Festival (I've never used it.)  I know that at least one of these spindles are going to be rehomed - namely the 1.3 oz Ashford that I have offered to Laurie's sister to see if she would like to try out spinning.  The rest are all my babies...  I am expecting a new Bossie soon!