Well, I am officially back to blogging after taking a little bit of a summer break. There's lots to blog about, and I finally feel more rejuvenated so I thought I would post a picture of my latest endeavor - no, not fiber related (well, maybe indirectly), but I just planted some dill seeds last week and over the weekend, an egg carton full of dirt and seeds became my little nursery. I've been wanting to plan herbs for the bunnies (yes, that's plural! more of the big news in a bit...) and Ella so loved the fresh dill that we get in our CSA veggies, I thought I would plant some dill in memory of her. I know Bennett sort of likes it (Ella ate it, so he did), Laurie doesn't like dill and commented that she didn't want it smelling up the house or the bunnies, so I might be giving some away or something as I think I've planted a rather large crop. I do love dill but fresh dill is very potent, so I'm not sure how much of it I'll be eating. We'll see.
And, with out ado, may I introduce the newest member of our family, Maisie Marie:
Maisie is a hybrid angora who came to live with us at the end of July, when we returned from our 2011 summer trip. Her official color is "blue", but as you can see from the picture, she is a steel gray color. She is a sweetie of a rabbit and also a baby (although in the last week she has matured a little bit and is very ready for her spay!). We got her when she was almost 8 weeks old and now she is just over 12 weeks. She's more than doubled in size and I looked at her today and it seems like she grew again last night! Her fiber is absolutely gorgeous! Shortly after she came to live with us, she shed her baby coat and I spun it up in to some very yummy yarn that will be with some commercial yarn to make a lovely shawl. I can't wait to knit with it, but Laurie says I better make some headway on the other three shawls that are on the needles right now before I cast on. I keep touching it and it's so awesome. To get maximum yardage, I plied it with silk and it is beautiful and so soft to touch. Spinning Maisie got me wanting to spin Bennett, so that is my current spinning project - 4oz pure bunny :).
And here is my new spinning wheel I've been spinning the angora on! We found this Ashford Traditional wheel on Craigslist a few weeks ago for $100 (it's a $600 wheel) and took her home with us. The traddy was in Tucson, and we had a bit of an adventure getting down there, but made it safely there and back on a school night and now she's all cleaned and oiled and spinning like new! She's very different from my Ladybug, so I love them both for what they each do best!
And a sneak peek at the photos from our 2011 summer trip! Yes, that's a mule! I took a four hour ride while we were camping in Yosemite and had a fabulous time! More about that soon!
And of course, a catch up post has to include a pic of Bennett being cute! I took this picture while I was spinning for Le Tour de Fleece!
I promise more about all sorts of topics later. This is just a little teaser and a "look! now I'm back" post! :)
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