I mentioned briefly in my last post that Ella had been ill. In the past two weeks, her health declined acutely and she was neither feeling well or eating very well. After a hopeful vet's visit, we were pulling for her to make it through this bout with further illness, just as she has fought off very serious illness twice before, but sadly it became clear to us that she wasn't going to make it this time. On Saturday, we took Ella in for a final vet visit and on the vet's recommendation put her down. She peacefully fell asleep in my arms and then passed away, all the while, I was stroking her ears - her very favorite place to be petted. We knew that she was on borrowed time, between the E. Cuniculi, the respiratory infections and the fur mites. The past few weeks she was in pain and not well and rather than let her go through an unknown time of suffering and declining, we sent her off to peace. I'm still missing her, it's not the same without my usual routine of feeding the bunnies and then having cuddle time with Miss Ella. I think it will be a long time yet for the hole in my heart to be filled, and it may never be fully healed in her absence. She looked relieved when the sedative took it's effect, and I know we did the right thing. I'm so glad that she had that final mite free molt and that I have some of her fur to make something special with. We had Ella only a bit over a year and she was loved very much. Following are some pictures of her time with us, so you can remember her lovingly, too. I hope that the dill grows abundantly in bunny heaven!

Rest in peace, Miss Ella - you'll be very missed! I can see you now hopping in full health among the dandelions with my bunny angels, Miss Eve, Hugo, Nic, Billie Bun, sir Harvey and Mimi x x x
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