Wednesdays are Camelot days, and I was back riding Nick! I brought our camera and one of the volunteers, Kate, offered and took pictures of me riding for my lesson. The light in the arena is kind of bad, lots of shadows, so not all of the pictures turned out. Posted here are some of the best of them. Hopefully, next week, Laurie is going to take off work and come and see me ride :)!!!! I hope she can. Yesterday was a lot of hard work and my legs are sore again today but not too bad. Nick didn't want to walk very fast for me, so I had to nudge him along at every stride. I'm going to have some serious muscles built up as my riding experiences continue. I found out at the Dr.'s office on Monday that I've lost 20 lbs since August! I'm very excited and even though I fell of the "eating healthy" wagon around Christmas, both Laurie and I are back on track. Here are the pictures:
Me up on the mounting ramp, getting ready for Nick.
Nick was nibbling on the railing and we were all watching.
Swinging into the saddle and leaving the wheelchair behind.
Volunteer, Joey, on the left as my spotter and Mary, the executive director of Camelot as my header.
Me, Nick and Michelle, my instructor, in the arena.
Michelle showing me the best way to hold the reins. I am having a bit of trouble not shortening my reins enough during riding.
Nick and I sharing a moment.
In this picture, you can see the huge arena and back behind where the stables are.
I had a great day, even if I know that I have a long way to go! Riding is so breathtaking and I'm loving every minute of it. I'm even loving every minute of having sore legs and being tired - it means I'm working toward my goal!
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