Welcome to the world baby Paul

I'm am so more than proud to announce that I am now an Auntie! Paul Mixtli Hale was born today, December 27, 2010 at 3:39 PM. He is 8 lbs 1 oz and 20.5 inches. He's beautiful and had a small stay in the NICU this afternoon but is doing fine now. My sister, Jessica, is also doing very well and was looking amazing and radiant after a short nap and some alone time with baby Paul. Here are the pictures that we were able to take while we where there. It was a long day and there were so many of us waiting excitedly for Paul to make his appearance so we just stayed long enough to meet him for a little bit of time and take some pictures and give Mom, Dad and baby some alone time to rest and gather themselves. He apparently cried the whole time he was in the NICU, and when they finally brought him back to my sister, he was totally out and never did wake up by the time that we left. He is very blonde and light in his coloring, but my Mom said that he looked just like Donnie when they first held him up to my sister after he was born. He has the Hale nose and the cutest little chin. I'm a very proud and happy Auntie. Thanks to all those who prayed for Jessica over the past few days, I appreciate it. :)


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