2 surprises!

This post is something that I've had in mind for a little while now, but both Laurie and my computers have decided to crash simultaneously (a problem with the batteries) and only work when they are physically plugged into the wall, which hasn't lent itself to posting very frequently.

Anyways, over this summer, I kept the longest secret of my life from Laurie for 5 weeks. My mom and I decided to surprise her with a new wheel, one that she has been wanting for a long time. The wheel is an Ashford Joy, single treadle, and I ordered it secretly from Tempe Yarn and Fiber, and kept the secret until it was time to unveil it! It was definitely worth biting my tongue over - I nearly spilled the beans about a hundred times! She is very happy with her new wheel, it lets her sit on the couch and tuck her leg under her just like she likes, treadling with the other foot. She's about to ply her first yarn spun on the Joy and it's beautiful, when it's all done, I'll take pictures and post it :). It was very wonderful to see her so happy - and SURPRISED!

The second surprise is related to the first... Since we just happened to have an extra wheel lying about the house (and Ashford Kiwi), I surprised Laurie again by taking up wheel spinning! I'm officially a wheel spinner. Right now, I have a little bit of fiber left to spin up and then ply my very first yarn on the wheel. I'm so spoiled, the first time I mentioned to my mom that I had started spinning on the wheel, she suggested that I should get one of my own. So, now I'm ordering a wheel for myself at TYF, hopefully placing my order on Friday. It will take a few weeks for it to get here, but it will be worth the wait! I'm getting a Schacht Ladybug wheel. She's beautiful and I have gotten to spin on one and it was wonderful! I'm so excited to get her!

So, those are the surprises that have been going on here lately, I'm not sure I'll ever be able to keep a secret that long again :).


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