On a whim, Laurie and I are up in the snow right now :). Laurie had been tracking the weather recently and at the approach of a huge winter storm in northern arizona, we loaded up the car and drove out to a lovely bed and breakfast near Flagstaff. We came up a day earlier that we had anticipated because we were worried about being caught in the beginning of the storm, driving up Monday morning. It's a really good thing we did. Yesterday and last night, the storm laid down 2 feet. It was blizzard conditions by noon. It was beautiful. We were here alone in this big, lovely, warm lodge watching it blow and snow outside. I've been spinning to my heart's content and Laurie's been working on the last of her finals. With any luck, she'll be done tonight and we can both spin together. Last night, the power when out in the blizzard conditions, so I was spinning by candlelight by a roasty fire in the fireplace. The power was restored in the early hours of the morning, so we're enjoying the lit Christmas tree and the cozy surroundings right now. Everything is so beautiful covered in snow. Unfortunately, the cross country ski place is closed and won't open until Thursday morning and we're leaving tomorrow morning. It's been quite a relaxing and lovely getaway. Just what we needed with all of the stress that's been going on lately.
When we get home, tomorrow, I'll post again to fill in what's been going on this last week or so. It's hard to be on the computer here and not spinning and enjoying the beautiful surroundings, I really hope Laurie will be able to have a little fun here, too!
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