Fiber fun

It's well overdue for a fiber post! First up are the photos of the towels and washcloths that I wove for Camelot's Hooves and Heroes fundraiser. As you may remember, Laurie actually won them but then gifted them to my riding instructor, Michelle, who wanted them really badly. They turned out really nicely, but I would never use this yarn again for weaving, I had to vacuum the loom to get rid of all the puffs that fell off the yarn going through the heddles and the reed.

Next picture is the yarn that I'm going to weave kitchen towels for my Mom with. I've got the warp wound, just need to get it on the loom, but alas that won't happen before we leave on vacation. I really like the color combo, the fiber is cotton/linen.

I have been working really hard on a spinning and weaving project for Laurie's dad, Dave. He gave me some black baby alpaca for Christmas two years ago with a request to knit a scarf for him after I spin the fiber. Well, knitting has turned into weaving the scarf and I needed more fiber than the original 4 oz. I just finished spinning the warp for the weaving - black 100% merino wool, and I've just started carding up the baby alpaca with some silver alpaca/silk for the weft.

Le Tour de Fleece (along with Le Tour de France) is starting off July 2nd and I'm gearing up for lots and lots of spinning! I'm hoping to finish spinning this 6 or so ounces to be able to go home and weave up a scarf when we get home!

The carded rolags of baby alpaca and alpaca/silk

I've joined up with a few groups to spin along with for Le Tour, one of them is called "The Spinner's Study" and the challenge for Le Tour is to spin a fiber that you've never spun before. I've never spun alpaca/silk and the other fiber that I'm going to be spinning for fun is some silk hankies. I've never spun hankies before, either, so it should be a lot of fun, even though I'm not going to spend any of Le Tour time in AZ, so I can spin with friends at TYF. Oh well, I'll be with everyone via Ravelry!

Silk hankies I dyed.

Silk hankies that I bought at Estes Park last year.

Hankies Barbara dyed.

Alpaca/silk that matches the hankies.

We leave for vacation on Thursday, for some well deserved rest and relaxation - I can't wait to be spinning on the deck of Laurie's parent's cabin!

I'm Famous!

I was asked to help my riding instructor, Michelle, promote Camelot on 12 News yesterday. Tram Mai interviewed me about my experience. Here's the video: